Globally, women and girls are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Women & Girls in STEM

I am committed to increase the engagement and retention of girls and women in STEM. With the current global environmental challenges we face, we need all minds working on solutions, and if we lose talented women from the workforce then we are composing our abilities to effectively tackle these issues.

Snapshot of disparity in STEM in Australia

  • Of the STEM qualified population, women comprised only 17 per cent in 2016.
  • Women STEM academics were only 31 per cent in 2016.
  • Extremely poor representation of women at senior levels, 14.5 per cent in 2016; Even for traditionally female dominated fields such as biology – in 2016, women comprised 56 per cent of postdoctoral biology academics, but only 18 per cent of professors.
  • In engineering, women represented only 12.4 per cent of the workforce in 2016.
  • Women earn less than men, with the weekly pay gap currently at 14.2 per cent (average weekly ordinary time earnings for full-time employees).
  • Women’s participation is lower for a variety of reasons, from cultural barriers in the workplace through to women being more likely to be a primary carer for children or other family members.


L’Oréal Australia & New Zealand Girls in Science event 2020.

Careers with STEM

ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) recipient.

Australian Academy of Science

Meet our STEM Women Changemakers.

Women Love Tech

Meet 5 Leading Female Scientists Fighting Climate Change.

UN Youth Envoy

Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality.

Soapbox Science

I hope to educate, inspire and motivate others to join the fight for coral reefs.