Academic Profiles
Rapid shifts in bacterial communities and homogeneity of Symbiodiniaceae in colonies of Pocillopora acuta transplanted between reef and mangrove environments.
Haydon, T.D., Seymour, J.R., Raina, J.B., Edmondson, J., Siboni, N., Matthews, J.L., Camp, E.F. and Suggett, D.J.
Characterisation of microplastics and unicellular algae in seawater by targeting carbon via single-particle and single-cell ICP-MS. Analytica Chimica Acta, p.338737.
de Vega, R.G., Goyen, S., Lockwood, T.E., Doble, P.A., Camp, E.F. and Clases, D.
Coral growth, survivorship and return-on-effort within nurseries at high-value sites on the Great Barrier Reef.
Howlett, L., Camp, E.F., Edmondson, J., Henderson, N. and Suggett, D.J., 2021. | Plos one, 16(1), p.e0244961
Symbiont shuffling across environmental gradients aligns with changes in carbon uptake and translocation in the reef-building coral Pocillopora acuta.
Ros, M., Suggett, D.J., Edmondson, J., Haydon, T., Hughes, D.J., Kim, M., Guagliardo, P., Bougoure, J., Pernice, M., Raina, J.B. and Camp, E.F., 2021. | Coral Reefs, pp.1-13
Healthy People in a Healthy Environment: Key Directions Statement. Australian Committee for IUCN, Sydney.
Camp, E.F., Spencer-Smith, T., Chapple, R., Eccles, S., Spindler, R. and Varcoe, T., 2020.
Corals exhibit distinct patterns of microbial reorganisation to thrive in an extreme inshore environment.
Camp, E.F., Suggett, D.J., Pogoreutz, C., Nitschke, M.R., Houlbreque, F., Hume, B.C., Gardner, S.G., Zampighi, M., Rodolfo-Metalpa, R. and Voolstra, C.R., 2020. | Coral Reefs, pp.1-16.
Coralclip®: a low‐cost solution for rapid and targeted out‐planting of coral at scale.
Suggett, D.J., Edmondson, J., Howlett, L. and Camp, E.F., 2020. | Restoration Ecology, 28(2), pp.289-296.
Revealing changes in the microbiome of Symbiodiniaceae under thermal stress.
Camp, E.F., Kahlke, T., Nitschke, M.R., Varkey, D., Fisher, N.L., Fujise, L., Goyen, S., Hughes, D.J., Lawson, C.A., Ros, M. and Woodcock, S., 2020. | Environmental microbiology, 22(4), pp.1294-1309.
Insights from extreme coral reefs in a changing world.
Burt, J.A., Camp, E.F., Enochs, I.C., Johansen, J.L., Morgan, K.M., Riegl, B. and Hoey, A.S., 2020. | Coral Reefs, 39(3), pp.495-507.
Unlocking the black‐box of inorganic carbon‐uptake and utilization strategies among coral endosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae).
Ros, M., Camp, E.F., Hughes, D.J., Crosswell, J.R., Warner, M.E., Leggat, W.P. and Suggett, D.J., 2020. | Limnology and Oceanography, 65(8), pp.1747-1763.
Coral growth, survivorship and return-on-effort within nurseries at high-value sites on the Great Barrier Reef.
Howlett, L., Camp, E.F., Edmondson, J., Henderson, N. and Suggett, D.J., 2021. | Plos one, 16(1), p.e0244961.
Optimizing return‐on‐effort for coral nursery and outplanting practices to aid restoration of the Great Barrier Reef.
Suggett, D.J., Camp, E.F., Edmondson, J., Boström‐Einarsson, L., Ramler, V., Lohr, K. and Patterson, J.T., 2019. | Restoration Ecology, 27(3), pp.683-693.
Coral microbiome diversity reflects mass coral bleaching susceptibility during the 2016 El Niño heat wave.
Gardner, S.G., Camp, E.F., Smith, D.J., Kahlke, T., Osman, E.O., Gendron, G., Hume, B.C., Pogoreutz, C., Voolstra, C.R. and Suggett, D.J., 2019. | Ecology and evolution, 9(3), pp.938-956.
Resolving coral photoacclimation dynamics through coupled photophysiological and metabolomic profiling.
Lohr, K.E., Camp, E.F., Kuzhiumparambil, U., Lutz, A., Leggat, W., Patterson, J.T. and Suggett, D.J., 2019. | Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(8).
Metabolomic profiles differ among unique genotypes of a threatened Caribbean coral.
Lohr, K.E., Khattri, R.B., Guingab-Cagmat, J., Camp, E.F., Merritt, M.E., Garrett, T.J. and Patterson, J.T., 2019. | Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.
Ecological and socioeconomic strategies to sustain Caribbean coral reefs in a high-CO2 world.
Andersson, A.J., Venn, A.A., Pendleton, L., Brathwaite, A., Camp, E.F., Cooley, S., Gledhill, D., Koch, M., Maliki, S. and Manfrino, C., 2019. | Regional Studies in Marine Science, 29, p.100677.
Mass coral bleaching of P. versipora in Sydney Harbour driven by the 2015–2016 heatwave.
Goyen, S., Camp, E.F., Fujise, L., Lloyd, A., Nitschke, M.R., LaJeunensse, T., Kahlke, T., Ralph, P.J. and Suggett, D., 2019. | Coral Reefs, 38(4), pp.815-830.
Rapid coral decay is associated with marine heatwave mortality events on reefs.
Leggat, W.P., Camp, E.F., Suggett, D.J., Heron, S.F., Fordyce, A.J., Gardner, S., Deakin, L., Turner, M., Beeching, L.J., Kuzhiumparambil, U. and Eakin, C.M., 2019. | Current Biology, 29(16), pp.2723-2730.
Mangrove lagoons of the Great Barrier Reef support coral populations persisting under extreme environmental conditions.
Camp, E.F., Edmondson, J., Doheny, A., Rumney, J., Grima, A.J., Huete, A. and Suggett, D.J., 2019. | Marine Ecology Progress Series, 625, pp.1-14.